We only have 1 Planet, let's do what we can to ensure she's around for future generations to enjoy. Break up with your bank and support a financial institution that is moving in the right direction with policy change that supports clean energy.

In the last 4 years a collective 35 banks throughout the world have contributed 2.7 trillion dollars to the fossil fuel industry, the top 5 donors being JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citi, Bank of America, and RBC. While we understand no financial institution is perfect, we feel it makes sense to support the ones that are moving towards funding clean energy. The banks who are leading by example are those updating their policies to support clean energy in the coming years. For these reasons Golden State Guiding has decided to partner with Bank of the West.

Golden State Guiding is a proud donor of Protect Our Winters through our 1% for the Planet annual donation. Big thanks to our friends at POW for spearheading this campaign and for bringing awareness to our community. Give them a follow if you don’t already @protectourwinters

To read an article GSG Founder and Guide, Ryan Hartegan was featured in speaking to his decision to change Golden State Guiding’s financial institution, click the link below.

Bank of the West article featuring GSG Founder, Ryan Hartegan

Also, the below link is an article that dives deeper into the fossil fuel funding topic that may be helpful in answering some of your initial questions about switching banks that also features GSG Founder Ryan Hartegan.

Break up with your Bank article link on

Please use the below resources to make an informed decision on your potential, future financial institution and support a bank that has our Planet’s best interests at heart.